Yeah, yeah...I know, I haven't posted in over a month. I haven't had anything to say, or more accurately, I haven't had anything I felt like writing about. It was a combo of a winter "funk" and a vast expansion in my sales territory, which is a good thing (hell ANY job is a good thing these days), but it means a lot more work.
Anyway, my future. The girl pictured above is the Swede's niece. Her 15 YEAR OLD NIECE! The one that my daughter looks just like. LOOK AT HER!! I have offered to help her father build the moat, and I have begun to consider building a bunker to keep the Monkey in during her teens...sigh.
Yup. You're screwed.
Maybe we can split one?
I have to concur with Dana. Sorry.
Had to add something. I am of Danish descent. We Scandinavians like to think we are pretty rational people. I've done my best to raise my daughter to be sensible (at least, most of the time). And, in case that isn't enough, my Miss America is queen of Tae Kwon Do. I like knowing she can break boards with her bare hands. :-)
She's a beauty, no doubt about that.
You can only hope that the Monkey is SO beautiful that all teenage boys will be scared shitless by her and will avoid her for fear their boyness will show. (Feel free to define "boyness" however you would like. Aren't I awful?)
that is one beautiful young woman!
perhaps in a few years the technology will exist to move the whole family to your own private planet?
Completely fucked. 100%.
We must check with the Nuns and start haggling for that "group rate".
I left you bloggy love at the house. Miss your writing.
ya, I'll start buying concrete...you collect the shoe sizes
Uh, yeah- I'm with Dana on this one. You.are.screwed.
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