I've no idea how long we will wait to get a good representation, but I'll let you know when "Dumbass" has a name. (Yes...I tried...the Swede won't let me name him "Dumbass".)
So here they are, Vote away:
My life with a foreigner, an angel, and a little guy with a huge round head.
Don't Brad and Angelina have a Shiloh? I would stay away from the Hollywood names...Wouldn't want that pup to get too big for his britches! I love Felix though. That's my vote.
In my mind, it kind of depends upon personality. It he's hyper, I'd go with Felix. If he's on the quiet, sneaky end of the scale, I'd go with Shiloh.
K, my respect for both you and my wife has dropped...she said the exact same thing.
I can't tell you how proud of myself I am for not knowing what Bradgelina named their kids...lol.
I like Shiloh 1st, then Felix. Kendo sounds too close to Ken Doll, the very phrase makes me shudder.
given the brangelina association i have to go with kendo.
I'm with Laggin on this one. Personality is key and if he's hyper, Felix is my vote.
Ignoring the B&A nonsense, Shiloh just sounds like a girls name.
Felix the cat - NO.
Kendo - easy to yell and means swordfighting - coolest of the 3.
Does that count as 5 votes?
I'm with Webster on this on. Kendo, for the reason's listed; not to mention the negative conotations associated with Shiloh.
Does anyone else see the irony in this being the very first comment I've posted? I obviously have my priorities in line.
Felix will always be a cat to me.
I'm liking Kendo.
Felix sounds like a Cat's name. And who wants inter species confusion. Not me, that's for sure. I saw "Boys don't Cry."
I like Kendo. It looks like it fits. And I took a few months of Kendo training, and very much enjoyed hitting things with bamboo sticks.
The way of the Sword.
Good looking dog, by the way. He'll make you proud. After he stops eating the remote and table legs.
My first instinct was Shiloh...but then, not only the famous kid thing, but that sounds more like a girly name to me.
Agreed about the Felix thing so I think I have to go with Kendo. (I'm still secretly voting for Buster.)
yeah, buster!
My vet told us to use a name with a hard K sound - apparenty the dogs respond to training better with it. So that would be Kendo. But my dog's name is Brewster so I don't listen to advice from my vet.
That dog is such a Felix it's not even funny.
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